Tile and Grout Cleaner Floor Cleaner | Clean Mould Non-Toxic
Tile and Grout Cleaner Floor Cleaner | Clean Mould Non-Toxic
The effective and safe way to clean Mould is to use an enzyme cleaner like That’s Awesome Tile and Grout Cleaner. This prevents the Mould from resurfacing as it is, dealing with the problem. That’s Awesome Tile and Grout Cleaner deodorises and removes Mould without any added fragrances or perfumes to disguise.
There are approximately 100,000 species of Mould, and they exist everywhere except the regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. They are also not found in artificial environments such as clean rooms or underwater. In nature, Mould is used to break down things such as leaves, wood and plant debris and is an essential part of our ecosystem.
What is Mould?
Mould is a naturally occurring microscopic organism that digests organic and inorganic matter.
Mould starts as a spore and then other organisms and forces of nature carry it through the air to where the mould will eventually settle on food sources. Mould needs water or moisture to grow and without that can lay dormant for years. When the right conditions arise, the mould begins to bloom, and odours can start to be detected.
However, mould spores are always generating particles into the air we breathe and are not just present when we can notice the smell. Mould comes in a variety of colours and textures, and it is impossible to determine the strain with sight alone.
Is there a Difference between Mould and Mildew?
Although mildew and mould are both types of fungi and share similar characteristics, they are different from each other.
Mildew could be explained as a milder version of mould. Both mould and mildew can have unwelcome adverse effects. However, as mildew is less invasive and only lives on the surface, it is much easier to clean and eliminate. Mould is much harder to get rid of since it can penetrate further into food sources.
There are ways to distinguish between the two in regards to appearances. Mould can be found in several shapes and colours (orange, green, black, brown, pink or purple). It has a frizzy texture. Mildew can be of two types, powdery or downy. The powdery mildew is whitish in colour and slowly turns to black. Downy mildew starts as yellow spots that first brighten up in appearance and then change to brown.

What are the Disadvantages of Mould Growth?
Although mould is always present in some form, and is essential to our natural world, it is undesirable when it starts to infect your home. When unsightly mould breeds in your home, it not only causes unpleasant, musty odours but can cause significant damage to the integrity of the building.
More significantly, mould can pose certain health risks. The severity of the symptoms will depend on the sensitivity of the individual. Some people can be lucky enough not to be affected much by mould.
However, if you are someone who already suffers from allergies (runny nose, red eyes, skin rash, sneezing and shortness of breath), asthma (especially if you breathe in spores), lung disease or a weakened immune system (HIV infection, liver disease, cancer, chemotherapy etc.), you are more likely to be affected.
Preventive Measures Against Mould Growth
Finding mould in the earlier stages of development can make it easier to remove. The first step would be to find the source of the moisture which is enabling the mould to grow and eliminating it as much as possible. Proper ventilation and use of exhaust fans where possible will help create an environment less likely to encourage mould growth as well.
Bleach is Not the Answer!
To remove the mould, you must not use bleach!
Bleach only visibly “bleaches” the mould which means it is only removing the colour and not the mould itself. The mould will use bleach as a food source and exacerbate the problem. Not only do bleaches and other chemicals mask and compound the problem, they further pollute the air and can be harmful to your health.
Another downside to using bleach is that it can damage the surface it’s sprayed or pasted upon because it is a corrosive chemical. Chlorine bleach also gives off harsh fumes and when mixed with ammonia, produces toxic gas.
What is the Answer to Cleaning Mould?
A much safer and more effective way to clean mould is to use an enzyme cleaner like That’s Awesome Tile and Grout.
Enzymes are like tools that are created to break down large molecules. They don’t disguise the issue; instead, they break apart the mouldy biomass and work to kill the spores. This prevents the mould from resurfacing as it is, dealing with the problem. That’s Awesome Tile and Grout Cleaner deodorises and removes mould without any added fragrances or perfumes to disguise.
The effectiveness of That’s Awesome enzyme cleaning means you get superior results without exposing yourself or the environment to toxicity and damage. By harnessing the right combination of enzymes, That’s Awesome gives you excellent results on a variety of difficult substances, including mould. That’ Awesome can also be used to deter new growth of mould.
On top of that, you have the added peace of mind that you are cleaning with a product that is safe for you and for the surface being cleaned.
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